Bellevue Neighborhood Association

Neighbor Recognition Program
About the Program
The Bellevue Neighbor Recognition Program celebrates the vibrant community spirit and acknowledges the efforts of our neighbors in making their residence and Bellevue a beautiful place to live. Through the Bellevue Neighbor Recognition Program, we shine a spotlight on these remarkable individuals, fostering a sense of pride and camaraderie within our community. By acknowledging their efforts, we encourage others to take pride in their surroundings and continue to contribute to the beauty and vitality of Bellevue.

When are nominees reviewed and selected?
One nominee will be selected each month at the monthly BNA meeting hosted on the every month on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the Callahan Center. All attendees will vote for the award recipient.
Who should you nominate?
A current resident of Bellevue
What to look for: unique ways in which our neighbors add charm and character to our community.
creative decorations - holiday lights that brighten up the streets, whimsical yard displays, or artistic window decorations.
beautiful gardens - colorful flowerbeds, hanging baskets, or lush vegetable patches
When and how will recipients be notified?
A BNA committee representative will deliver a certificate and card to the award recipient, and the community will be notified in the monthly BNA newsletter and on the BNA Facebook page.

Have More Questions?
Feel free to contact the Bellevue Decorations Chair, at with any questions!