Bellevue Neighborhood Association


BNA Programs
With a variety of programs offered, BNA is looking for all kinds of volunteers and members to help continue our mission of beautifying Bellevue one block at a time!

BNA partners with the City of Bellevue to ensure that the city looks festive and bright during the holiday seasons. Decorations and lights are hung along Fairfield Avenue and throughout the neighborhoods within Bellevue, including at the Beach Park for holidays throughout the year.
Gardeners & Planters
The Gardens and Planters team works with City staff to keep Bellevue’s public spaces beautiful and blooming. Each season a variety of plants and flowers are designed, placed, and maintained throughout the city. These efforts truly contribute to the charm and appeal of Bellevue.
Beautify Bellevue
The Beautify Bellevue Grant is a reimbursement program in which the BNA provides up to $750.00 in grant funds for exterior home and yard improvements to current members. The maximum amount per approved grant is 50% of the total project cost, up to a maximum $750.00 for completed work.
The Gardens and Planters is a team of volunteers, lead by Diane Witte, that develops and maintains gardens, planters, hanging baskets, and hayracks located throughout the city. Below is additional information about each park and how YOU can get involved and help as a volunteer gardener! Maintaining these beautiful spaces are a combined effort from city staff as well as volunteers.
Garden volunteers are needed to water, weed, dead-head, clear brush/dead branches, mulch and plant in these areas.